game audio track

  • Audio professionals interested in entering the game industry
  • Experienced composers and sound designers for games
  • Composers familiar with traditional media (film, TV, music) who want to understand the practical differences between composing for video games and traditional composition
  • Composers and Sound Designers who have already worked in games but are looking to expand their knowledge about the technology and business of the game industry
  • Audio producers interested in the game industry
  • Academic and industry researchers in audio technology for interactive applications
  • Students and teachers of undergraduate programs in music and sound design for video games
  • Ludomusicologists and those involved in research in video game music and sound
  • Music publishers
    Anyone who would like to know how to be a video game composer or a sound designer for video games.
  • Learn the differences between audio for games and audio for traditional media
  • Understand the specialized tools and techniques for composing music for video games
  • Learn the unique business aspects of the game music industry and how to implement your music in a video game
  • Meet composers and sound designers from the industry’s most successful games
  • Learn what is at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field and determine which skills and knowledge will make you stand out
  • Gain insight into the creative and aesthetic challenges of music and sound design for video games

(The next edition is still in production, and we will soon release new dates)

Participation in the Game Audio Track is free, however, to enter the event’s amphitheater, it will be necessary to reserve a seat.

The event will be held in English and Portuguese according to the nationality of each participant.


game audio track



Empoderando músicos e produtores emergentes para entrar na indústria de áudio para jogos, Thiago Adamo, fundador da principal escola de áudio para jogos do Brasil, a Game Audio Academy, se uniu a Victor Hime do estúdio de áudio para jogos, Flutu Music. O fruto dessa parceria é uma iniciativa empolgante conhecida como Game Audio Track.

A edição inaugural deste evento transformador foi realizada em Lisboa, Portugal, como parte da aguardada Lisboa Games Week. A principal missão do Game Audio Track é equipar profissionais de áudio com uma plataforma única para aprimorar sua expertise e elevar seu status dentro do competitivo cenário de áudio para jogos.

“A filosofia orientadora desta conferência é promover a união e a colaboração entre os participantes. Estamos promovendo a livre troca de ideias e a criação de robustas oportunidades de networking dentro da indústria”, afirma Thiago Adamo.

O Game Audio Track proporciona um ambiente fértil para o crescimento profissional, apresentando palestras inspiradoras de compositores renomados de jogos AAA, oficinas práticas de programação de áudio e entrevistas perspicazes com figuras influentes da indústria. Os participantes têm a oportunidade única de adquirir conhecimento diretamente de profissionais experientes, recebendo feedbacks inestimáveis capazes de impulsionar suas carreiras a novos patamares no setor de áudio para jogos.

game audio track